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Moortown Golf ClubMoortown

Course Safety Information

We urge all golfers to familiarise themselves with the information provided in the documents listed below.

Golfers should act in a safe and courteous manner at all times.

On Course Safety Information

Club Address

Moortown Golf Club, Harrogate Road, Leeds, LS17 7DB


We have two defibrillators at the Club – One is located in the porch off the MacKenzie Bar (nearest the 18th green) and the other in the toilet at the Halfway House (Next to the 10th, 13th & 15th tees).

Prior to, or at the same time as requesting the defibrillator phone 999 and request an ambulance.

To call the Clubhouse dial 0113 268 6521 and give clear instructions as to where you are located on the premises.

‘What 3 Words’ Locations

The website / app ‘What3Words’ is used by emergency services to identify the exact location of any point on earth. If needing to direct an emergency service to the course please use the following ‘3 Words’. 

For the Clubhouse entrance = ///silent.jelly.headed

Hole-by-Hole What 3 Words Map